wat a "GOOD" monday

杨嘉嘉~yong jia jia
有人說 愛一個人不需要去告訴她 心里默默地告訴自己 就好了
得不到她的愛 不是她的錯 是自己的錯

last 2 days...saterday n sunday ..
i m no going out for playing...
just stay at hostel doing my things...
english reservation topic abt " the talking when buying ticket in airport"
i m done it by myself...
tis is a group 's homework but i done myself..
my groupmate told me yesterday abt tis...then another 3 hav din do anything...i m so angry
today is our conversation
i m been choose to read a diagolue wif another groupmates but...
they dunwan ..XXXX XXX wat la...
nobody wan to go out n read ...every1 say they english is poor

i tell either u go or u go...sweat
the answer given to me is ...MY ENGLISH IS POOR U GO LA

the 潘光健 just know how to say but dunno how to do...
講就一流 做就狗流
the second XXXXXX is my group
the first one is do nothing ...even talk even do jsut sleep!!
whe ncalling him to do...he just "har?? wat harrr? i m busy i wan go to work"
wat the XXXX....

by HaN
18/10/10 10.40pm

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