a perfect day start at 10 o' clock
i m the 1st time join the meeting of "mix group" in my graduation
their idea compare wif mine got big different
look my idea is too cheap but i twill try another
experience is the topic of our graduation is not just its own means so easy
the implication of it ..i can measure be4 i join tis group

how i know wat product can i do it as well
its difficult
try my best to done it
haha...hop i CAN

i need to control my temperament
i m too temangancy wif anything
i dunno how
everytime i say lik tat wif my fren
i m jsut thinking y they will scold bac me
i m right its not? they mus
t self-criticism

haiz...but i m think truely to think how abt me?

think deeply n say i very good

by HaN
7/10/10 8.59pm

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