my class 3rd smt first class foto^ ^

today v....aiyo
draw la...=.=
v draw the cake it is so beutiful
tis is my classmates
love them too much but our teacher not inside the foto

by HaN
10/3/10 9.07pm

Drive Bicycle

today v go to nan bicycle
1 way 17km ...go n bac then 34km onli drive tired
our pi gu...damn pain la

but very happy tis just a try...v will go next time
happy when playing wif them

by HaN
7/3/10 12.24pm

today is biasa......

today is nth....teacher look lik biasa....
biasa lik be4 de teacher
biasa lik be4 de classroom
biasa lik be4 de1 road
all oso biasa...
nothing can display
today just lik be4 ...BIASA

by HaN
4/3/10 11.36pm

the 2nd day the day is cool

early in the morning...the weather is so cool...
becoz it is raining nw

i take umbrella n slowly slowly walk to the skul
1st class...the teacher is coming
wow wow wow...
the teacher is gal...

i haven knw wat her name...
but look at her
lengluii teacher leh
so beautiful

i look at her...din listen wat she talking abt...
damn lengluii
i beh tahan liao

later teacher let us early go bac...
afte tat got class meeting...

they say if wan work then money less
i dunno how...mayb i dunwan work then let them got more money...
HAIZ ABT IT ...who can tell me how to do?

by HaN
3/3/10 12.11am

3rd semester....1st day skul start

today is the 1st day of the 3rd semester
it is so boring...go here go thr

afte tat the next class is japanese
walau~ so boring
then next again wat management...
wat the hell...
the teacher look lik a machine
just say SAY say SAY...
non-stop.... i m sleeping behind!!!

coz 小狗 wanna go bac indonesia
she din continue the 3rd semester le
v together go 3399炭烧店 eat dinner wif her

wat a sadly day...a fren go wanna go bac le
but v got take foto for sure la...she look very funny n jokey
she is a gO.Od fren

by HaN
1/3/10 11.22pm